Is Your Google Analytics Tracking Outdated? Act Now or Risk Losing Valuable Opportunities

With Google Analytics 4 (GA4) replacing Universal Analytics (UA) in July 2023, many businesses are stuck with an outdated setup. This means you could be missing insights into how visitors are really using your site and where opportunities for growth exist.

computer with analystics and charts on the screen

Gone are the days of simply counting website visitors. Analytics has evolved significantly! With the rise of bot traffic and the introduction of new data privacy laws, understanding what’s truly happening with your web traffic has become increasingly complex.

If you operate a business, chances are you depend on Google Analytics to monitor your website traffic and customer engagement. However, if you set up your analytics system years ago and haven’t kept it up to date, your insights may be overlooking vital data.

It’s vitally important, especially if you are using ChatBot’s to help with finding new clients online. You need to know who’s visiting, and their intent behind the visit.

Let’s delve into the reasons behind all the excitement surrounding these analytics advancements.

The Importance of Updating to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

With Google Analytics 4 (GA4) replacing Universal Analytics (UA) in July 2023, many businesses are stuck with an outdated setup. This means you could be missing insights into how visitors are really using your site and where opportunities for growth exist.

Google Analytics Account (GA4) Page

Three Compelling Reasons to Prioritize the GA4 Update

  1. More Accurate Tracking: GA4 uses machine learning to filter out bots and improve data accuracy. No more worrying if those visits are real people or just scrapers. You’ll get a truer picture of real engagement.

  2. Enhanced Conversion Tracking: GA4 makes it easier to connect offline and multi-channel customer journeys to give you a complete view of what’s driving conversions. Identify pain points and optimize better.

  3. Built-in Privacy Controls: With data privacy laws tightening, GA4 allows you to easily mask IP addresses and adjust data retention controls. Stay compliant with less hassle.

Migrating to GA4 does take some work, but it’s well worth it. The new platform delivers actionable insights, customized reporting, and integration with other Google tools. Don’t leave your business analytics in the past. Update to GA4 and unlock the data you need to understand your customers and grow smarter.

Understanding Google Analytics Options

With Google Analytics evolving rapidly, it can be tricky to keep track of the different options available. Here’s a quick rundown of the core products:

Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

GA4 is the newest version of Google Analytics focused on cross-device tracking and privacy. Key features:

  • Event-based data for understanding customer journeys across devices and channels.

  • Enhanced privacy controls like cookieless tracking and data retention adjustments.

  • Machine learning for more accurate bot filtering and analysis.

  • Seamless integration with other Google tools.

Ideal for most small to medium-sized businesses looking for core web/app tracking.

Google Analytics 360

The premium enterprise version of GA4. Offers:

  • Higher data limits for collection, reporting, and BigQuery exports.

  • Enhanced data freshness with continuous intraday reporting.

  • Unsampled report data for complete accuracy.

  • Service level agreements for uptime and support.

Optimized for large companies with complex tracking needs.

Legacy Google Analytics 360

The enterprise version of Universal Analytics. Provides:

  • Customizable reports, metrics, and segmentation.

  • Integrations across Google’s ads and publisher platforms.

  • Robust anomaly detection and advanced attribution modeling.

  • Direct access to Google analytics experts and engineers.

Still useful for large businesses invested in Universal Analytics, but GA4 360 is recommended for most new purchases.

The key is choosing the right product to match your business goals, data needs, and technical capabilities. Reach out if you need help determining what’s best for your organization.

Why Updating to Google Analytics 4 Is Critical for Your Business

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) represents a major leap forward in website analytics and customer insight capabilities. While change can be daunting, migrating to GA4 provides significant benefits that all small business owners should strongly consider:

Google Analytics GA4 - events

Actionable Data for Growth

GA4 uses advanced machine learning and AI to translate raw data into clear, actionable insights. Identify new opportunities to attract customers, increase engagement, and drive conversions.

Complete Cross-Channel View

See how customers interact with your brand across devices and channels. Connect online and offline data for a unified view of the customer journey.

Enhanced Privacy Controls

Adjust data retention, anonymize IPs, and enable cookieless tracking. GA4 makes it easier to collect analytics while respecting visitor privacy.

Simplified Implementation

GA4 removes cross-domain tracking headaches and streamlines setup. Easier to implement across websites, mobile apps, and other platforms.

The longer you wait to upgrade from Universal Analytics, the more potential insights you are missing out on. GA4 provides the cutting-edge analytics capabilities that modern businesses need to thrive. The time to make the switch is now.

Steps for Converting Google Analytics to GA4

Google Analytics (GA4) Setup Page

How to Convert Your Google Analytics to GA4

  1. Log in to your Google Analytics account and navigate to the Admin section for your Universal Analytics property.

  2. Under the Property column, click on GA4 Setup Assistant.

  3. Follow the step-by-step instructions to name your new GA4 property and associate it with your website or app.

  4. Copy the new GA4 measurement ID snippet and add it to your website/app code.

  5. Make sure the new GA4 snippet is enabled and the previous Universal Analytics snippet is removed.

  6. In GA4, use the Data Import feature to pull in historical data from Universal Analytics.

  7. Review your reports in GA4 to ensure tracking is working as expected. Try generating test traffic.

  8. Once confirmed, discontinue your Universal Analytics property by changing the data retention settings.

  9. You can now rely solely on your new GA4 property moving forward!

  10. Check the GA4 advanced settings and customize as needed for your business requirements.

Following these steps will ensure a smooth transition to Google Analytics 4 with minimal disruption to your reporting. Let me know if any part of the process needs clarification!

Comparing Key Metrics in Google Analytics 4 versus Universal Analytics

Comparing Key Metrics in GA4

One of the biggest changes you’ll notice when upgrading to GA4 is how key metrics like users and sessions are calculated. This means you may see significant differences in your reported numbers. Here’s an overview of what’s changing:


In Universal Analytics, users were based on unique cookies over any selected date range. GA4 uses machine learning to better distinguish between real users and bots. Expect a lower user count in GA4.


Sessions in Universal Analytics were defined as a group of interactions by a user within a 30-minute time window. GA4 instead tracks each interaction as a distinct event, so no sessions.


Pageviews remain mostly the same between the two platforms. Page loads and screen views are treated as events in GA4.


Event tracking and analysis is much more powerful in GA4. Events are now the core unit of data.

So what does this mean for your reporting? Don’t stress too much over direct comparisons. The goal of GA4 is to provide clearer, more meaningful data - not replicate old reports. Focus on identifying trends and opportunities in engagement, conversions, and other KPIs. The numbers themselves will shift, but the insights GA4 provides into customer behavior are much greater. Use this upgrade as a chance to reevaluate your analytics goals. With some tweaks to reporting, you’ll unlock far more value from GA4 data than what Universal Analytics could provide.

Customizing and Configuring Google Analytics 4

Customizing and Configuring GA4

One of the advantages of moving to GA4 is increased flexibility to customize your data collection and reporting. Here are some key configuration options to explore:

Data Retention

Adjust data retention settings in GA4 to meet your business needs. Set cookie expiration timeframes and choose how long data is stored in GA servers.

IP Anonymization

Enable IP anonymization to remove visitor IP addresses after initial geo lookup. This improves privacy.

Custom Segments

Build audiences in GA4 using advanced criteria. Ex: subscribers, high-value customers, email campaign recipients.

Custom Reports

Leverage GA4’s flexible report builder to see the exact metrics you want. Add charts, filters, and custom calculations.

BigQuery Exports

Extract granular GA4 data to BigQuery for advanced analysis and integration with other data sources.

Event Parameters

Capture enriched data on events like clicks, downloads, and transactions using event-level parameters.

The configuration options above allow you to shape GA4 to your business requirements. Consider where customization can provide more valuable insights without unnecessary complexity. Tap into Google’s guides and support resources to maximize the potential of GA4. With some upfront planning, you can build a rock-solid analytics foundation using GA4’s powerful tools.

Testing and Validating Your Google Analytics 4 Setup

Testing and Validating Your GA4 Setup

Switching to GA4 represents a major change in your analytics tracking. It’s crucial to thoroughly test and confirm that your implementation is working correctly before decommissioning Universal Analytics. Here are some tips:

  • Use a GA4 preview link to temporarily review your site’s data in GA4 without impacting your main property.

  • Trigger test events like pageviews, clicks, and form submissions to ensure they are being captured accurately.

  • Check that key conversion events are coming through and matching your expectations.

  • Compare real-time reports in GA4 to other analytics sources like Google Tag Manager to check for inconsistencies.

  • Let data accumulate for 1-2 weeks before analyzing trends to allow machine learning modeling to stabilize.

  • Dig into users, geography, devices, traffic sources, and other core reports to identify any data discrepancies.

  • Check that custom metrics, parameters, and dimensions are being applied properly.

  • Leverage the GA4 validation tools to diagnose tracking issues.

  • Review processing latency, sampling rates, and traffic filtering for abnormalities.

  • Contact Google Analytics support if you have concerns about missing or inaccurate data.

Patience and diligence are required when validating GA4 tracking. Allow sufficient time for testing before shutting down your legacy analytics. Address any data collection issues or anomalies so you can feel confident relying on GA4 reporting going forward. Reach out to us for help confirming your setup is capturing high-quality data.

Additional Resources

Looking to learn more about getting the most value from Google Analytics 4? Check out these resources:

  • GA4 Official Documentation: The official GA4 guides and help center with technical articles, implementation guides, tips on data analysis, and more.

  • GA4 Query Explorer: Tool that allows you to test GA4 queries before inputting them into your reports.

  • Google Analytics Community: Discussion forums to ask questions and get input from other GA users.

Check out the links above to learn more about GA4 and ensure you are getting the most out of the powerful new analytics platform.


Upgrading your Google Analytics to GA4 is a crucial move to unlock more advanced analytics capabilities and deeper customer insights. With Universal Analytics coming to an end, GA4 provides the next generation platform you need to drive business growth.

Key advantages of switching to GA4 include cross-device and cross-channel customer journey analysis, enhanced privacy controls and data security, more accurate tracking with machine learning algorithms, powerful event-based reporting, and scalability through BigQuery integrations.

While the upgrade process takes some work, the long-term benefits for your business are immense. The time is now to move to GA4 and get the actionable data you need to reach your marketing goals. Don’t leave your business analytics stuck in the past. Contact us if you need any assistance upgrading to Google Analytics 4.